Help Us Grow and innovate ideas

Donation Options in Nepal *

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How you can contribute?

Supporting Projects

NIC Nepal is involved in several projects powered by our innovative team and we depend on people volunteering ideas, time, money and energy to keep it going.

Supporting Causes

NIC Nepal is committed to support the prevailing causes that exist in the community through innovation and research. Your support is integral to advancing our mission and initiative.

Supporting the Organization

NIC Nepal hosts our bright minds and their creative innovations through support and infrastructure and requires your help to sustain this platform. Please consider donating to aid us in our efforts.

Ways of contribution


As a Non-profit distributing company, NIC Nepal greatly depends on donations for the success of our projects and campaigns. If you find our mission worth supporting, please consider donating.


Support our mission by spreading the word about us on social networks, with your family and friends. That will help us find, connect, engage and collaborate with people who share a similar vision.