Software and IT

Software and IT

Software and IT

Creating affordable software-based solutions on demand.

Providing a platform and resources to innovative and creative developers.

Software innovation is our ability to design and produce useful software systems that drive the success of the product and software created. Software and IT can eliminate many traditional steps in the innovation process nowadays. National Innovation Center aims to help creative thinkers and innovators of Nepal realize the potential of their ideas and solutions. We provide them the support, resources, knowledge, and assistance they need to turn their innovative ideas into a reality.

Blindspot Detection


We ,at the National Innovation Center, are currently researching the possible way to reduce Trippers/Trucks accidents through assisted blind spot detection techniques and solve the overspeed issue in public buses using vehicle tracker systems. During our initial research, we came to know that blind spot comprises the major role in the accidents caused by heavy vehicles such as Trippers and Trucks. Such a heavy vehicle has a driver seat position at a significant height that’s why it’s difficult for drivers to see low-riding vehicles that are driving immediately in front of them or next to them. Using Computer Vision for scenario detection we can possibly overcome the problem of blind spots for which we are currently developing a system to solve such problems and save people’s lives.

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The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible.

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